Can diversity alone produce better organisations? (Spoiler: the answer is diversity alone is not enough.)

In recent years, more and more organisations have realised the importance of a diverse workplace.

Countless studies and surveys have revealed that diverse teams (in terms of culture, background, and demographics) perform better and deliver stronger results. Diverse teams are better at addressing challenges, as they bring a range of approaches and mental frameworks to problem solving.

However, diversity alone is not enough. In order to realise the full benefits of a diverse workforce, organisations must also promote inclusivity. In a truly inclusive workplace, team members from different backgrounds will feel safe, confident, and connected to the group, allowing and encouraging them to perform their best.

In turn, the team or organisation as a whole will produce the best results.

In my book, I explore how leaders can create an inclusive team environment, therefore establishing psychologically safe and high performing teams. Get the book here.

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