How Important is It for Leaders to Stay Positive During Hard Times?

positive leadership | How Important is It for Leaders to Stay Positive During Hard Times?

We know how important it is for leaders to be the touchstone of calm and positivity during times of crisis to encourage their team to stay the course. All humans are hard-wired to pick up on the emotions of others, and this becomes more infectious for those in a position of power. In effect, leaders become emotional contagions, encouraging emotions, either negative or positive, in others.

It can be a challenge for leaders to continue to be positive role models over prolonged periods of anxiety and uncertainty. It can also be tempting to put pressure on your team and even encourage stress in order to generate some new momentum. However, it’s usually (if not always) better to use positivity to boost engagement and increase productivity.

Take a moment to pause and reflect. How can you use positivity to create a high performing team, and what steps do you need to take to support yourself in this endeavour.

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