Posts by Sheila Wherry

what does psychological safety mean to you?

What Does Psychological Safety Mean to You?

What does psychological safety mean to you? Amy Edmondson’s defined psychological safety as a workplace environment created to encourage people to express their ideas and be themselves, ‘the belief that…
inclusive leader

What Makes an Inclusive Leader?

We know that diverse and inclusive organisations perform better and produce better results, and that inclusive leaders are an essential part of this picture. But what makes an inclusive leader? …
inclusive teams

Does inclusivity produce better results?

Read on to learn how to overcome one of the biggest challenges associated with achieving a truly inclusive organisation.  Any organisation knows the importance of not only setting goals, but…
workplace diversity

Can diversity alone produce better organisations?

In recent years, more and more organisations have realised the importance of a diverse workplace. Countless studies and surveys have revealed that diverse teams perform better and deliver stronger results. …