There’s an uncomfortable reality in leadership that I want to talk about…

Many people in leadership ‘fall into’ leadership roles.

They have good technical ability but lack the clarity on how to effectively lead themselves and their teams. They and their teams are surviving, not thriving.

That’s not how to get to the Pinnacle of Leadership.

Athletes, teams, leaders, and bands – all performing at their peak, have one thing in common …

… They practice – and then reflect and refine. In fact, they reflect and practice more than they do in the actual moment of performance.

They refine their process and approach and then they practice it – which gives them the confidence and calm to know they can rely on it in any critical moment.

That’s NOT how many people approach leading others.

I get it. They are extraordinarily busy. They have struggled to carve out the time to do this thinking and don’t really know where to start. The mountain seems too high to climb.

If you do, good for you – you are in the top percentile. However, I’ve coached a lot of incredibly smart and talented leaders and teams over the years and I can assure you that many have not found the time to stop, self-reflect, and put themselves and their teams on the path to success. This is not their fault. They just haven’t had the time to map out a framework and process.

We provide the framework, process, and tools so you can focus on what you and your team need. We carve out the time together to support you and your team in connecting, thinking and generating the right results together.

As we head into an uncertain 2023, the greatest advantage you could possibly have in your leadership is preparation. Knowing that you have done the thinking and framing needed to perform at a high level.

What are you doing to prepare and lead for peak performance, and a thriving team, in 2023?

If this message resonates for you, then we are aligned, and you are the type of client I enjoy working with! If you’d like to know more about how our programs can help you, private message me and we’ll take it from there.

#psychologicalsafetyinteams #teameffectiveness #Leaderasteamcoachprogram

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